[The Pumpkin Wine] Kabocha Wine – Anime Songs Mini-Compilation

I compiled a few songs I found from this anime series. it’s a mix of OP’s and ED’s along with a few image songs. Each image is from the songs respective album.

Album 1:
0:00 Lはラブリー [L wa Lovely – L is Lovely] 歌:かおりくみこ
Preformed By: Kumiko Kaori

3:00 青葉春助ザ・根性!! [Aoba Shunsuke The Konjou!! – The Spirit of Aoba Shunsuke] 歌:古川登志夫
Preformed By: Toshio Furukawa

Album 2:
4:57 パンプキン・ナイト [Pumpkin Night] 歌:横沢 啓子、古川登志夫
Preformed By: Keiko Yokozawa and Toshio Furukawa

7:37 恋するロックンロール [Koisuru Rock N Roll – Rock N Roll in Love] 歌:かおりくみこ
Preformed By: Kumiko Kaori

Album 3:
11:25 トキメキ・サンシャイン [Tokimeki Sunshine – Exciting Sunshine] 歌:かおりくみこ
Preformed By: Kumiko Kaori

Album 4:
14:56 スリーピィな気分だぜ [Sleepy Na Kibun Daze – In A Sleepy Mood] 歌:古川登志夫
Preformed By: Toshio Furukawa

17:51 気になるエトセトラ [Kininaru Et Cetera – Concerning Et Cetera] 歌:かおりくみこ
Preformed By: Kumiko Kaori

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