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MERRY CHRISTMAS! We’ve teamed up with LonelyChaser Fansubs to bring you a fully subtitled and newly translated, 16mm scan of Kentauros no Densetsu, a film about a motorcycle gang and a man who lives in the shadow of his bike-racing older brother.
The film was acquired by LonelyChaser and we were allowed to borrow it for scanning. It was scanned in 4K and restored/color corrected in HD. What you see here is the HD restoration upscaled back to 4K for less YouTube compression. It was then subbed and translated by LonelyChaser, making this the first time ever this film has been translated, and the second time after Orphan’s VHS capture that this film is made available to the public… but in much, much higher quality. The audio, however, was sourced from Orphan’s rip, since it is much higher quality than the optical audio on the film itself.
Subbed By: LonelyChaser Fansubs
Project Manager/16mm Acquisition/Audio Editing: MartyMcflies
Translation/Timing: Windii
VHS Audio Source: Orphan Fansubs
Scanned by: Kineko Video
Translation QC’ing: nemu, Japanese Hoarder
Encoding: enigmo
Enjoy! For more info on film scans and remasters, please visit our Twitter:
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