NEW X-MEN - Teaser Trailer (2025) Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill | AI Concept

#XMenTeaserTrailer #NewXMenTeaserTrailer #NewXMenTrailer

This is my NEW X-MEN - Teaser Trailer (2025) Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill | AI Concept where I portray through "A.I." what it could look like if they were to reboot the X-MEN franchise in modern day 2024/25. I hope you enjoy and if you like it please like, comment and subscribe for many more videos like this weekly.


Tom Hardy: Wolverine
Henry Cavill: Cyclops
Ewan McGregor: Professor X
Daniel Craig: Magneto
Anaa Diop: Storm
Rami Malek: Nightcrawler
Sofia Boutella: Mystique
Joel Edgerton: Beast
Nick Robinson: Ice Man
Evan Rachel Wood: Jean Grey
Alan Ritchson: Colossus
Austin Butler: Gambit
Naomi Scott: Psylocke
Peyton Elizabeth Lee: Jubilee
Vanessa Kirby: Emma Frost
Tom Ellis: Mr. Sinister
Bryan Cranston: William Stryker
Dacre Montgomery: Pyro
Stephen Lang: Cable
Chris Pine: Deadpool


Big thanks to Epic Trailer Music UK for allowing me to use their awesome tracks "X-Men The Animated Series Theme | EPIC Version" for this video, check out the full scores right here:

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**This is a Concept Trailer. This was NOT made to fool or scam anyone, it is simply for fans to take a glimpse into what the movie could be like.

**Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use, due to the fact that it demonstrates/conceptualizes a specific or non-existing film idea, and compiles clips from previously existing productions to create a creatively unique vision and give new meaning. The video displays visual commentary on how a film idea could look

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