たった30分で出来上がる!超簡単な『本格パン』Super easy  pan made in 30 minutes

『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2018/11/18/202744


強力粉 150g
ドライイースト 小さじ1
砂糖 大さじ1
牛乳 100cc
バター 15g


【Super easy pan made in 30 minutes】
Today, I will introduce “Easy bread” which can be done in only 30 minutes from baking time to baking up.
It takes about 3 hours until the original bread making is completed by fermentation and kneading time etc.
However, this bread promotes fermentation utilizing the range, so you can taste freshly baked in 30 minutes!
Anyway it was easy, less washing, and tried variously so that you can easily do it.
Even though it’s really easy, you will be surprisingly exquisite bread with freshly baked fragrance and fluffy natural sweetness.
There is no doubt that everyone will be captivated in the fluffy fabric, so please try it when you want to eat bread ♫

150g strong flour
1 tsp dry yeast
1 tbsp sugar
Milk 100 cc
Butter 15g

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