"Protest against the Anti-Homosexuality Law: Ugandan Embassy in Tokyo"
A protest took place on June 26th on the Embassy of Uganda in Japan against the Anti-Homosexuality Law in Uganda.
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ウガンダ大使館宛 抗議文
Letter to Her Excellency Ambassador Betty Grace Akech -- Okullo,
Your Excellency,
We stand here today in protest against the Anti-Gay Hate Law enacted by the President Mseveni of Uganda. The protests worldwide by the citizens of global community have made clear that the law which sentences homosexual persons to life-in-prison and puts anyone who fails to report them in jail for 7 years is utterly inacceptable. It is precisely because we rejoice in having Ugandans among us in the citizenry of Tokyo that we must continue to protest this inhumane legislation.
The recent appointment of Mr. Sam Kutesa, the foreign minister of Uganda, to the president of the United Nations's General Assembly will in no way diminish our refusal to accept violation of the basic principles of humanity, which is respect for the equal dignity of all persons regardless of gender, sexual orientations, race, physical capacities and any other characteristics that a person cannot and should not be forced to change.
Your Excellency Ms. Ambassador, you must tell President Mseveni and Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa that the global outrage they have caused by the Anti-Gay Law is no less strong in Tokyo, and that our protest will not cease nor will we ignore the plight of gay people in Uganda until the law is repealed.
Rainbow Protesters Japan
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撮影・編集:秋山理央(Video by Rio Akiyama)
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