11 Disturbing Horror Anime That Are Banned In Many Countries!

There is hardly a genre that anime hasn’t conquered, and horror is no exception. There are some haunting horror anime that are extremely spooky, and in some cases, pretty disturbing as well. They toy with the psychology of the viewer and are often too gruesome to handle. The form of horror might be philosophical, psychological, or even a simple narrative about the supernatural, but these horror anime have entertained the fans over the years.
In this video, we have brought together a collection of some of the best horror anime that will be the perfect watch in the aftermath of Halloween. Some of these are even banned in many countries owing to their disturbing content. Pull up the blankets, and leave the lights on as we take you through this eerie journey!

0:00 Intro
1:18 Paranoia Agent (2004)
2:57 Midori (1992)
4:36 Pet Shop Of Horrors (1999)
6:08 Blue Gender (1999)
7:43 Texhnolyze (2003)
9:00 LILY C.A.T. (1987)
10:25 Perfect Blue – (1997)
12:02 Serial Experiments Lain – (1999)
13:28 Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories – (2013)
14:39 Wicked City (1987)
16:03 The World YAMIZUKAN (2017)

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