TRIAD (Hong Kong 2012) East Winds FIlm Festival 2013 European Premiere

As part of East Winds Film Festival ‘Rising Star of Hong Kong Cinema’ strand, we are delighted to present Triad (2012), which features a star turn from Michelle Wai詩雅as the fierce and feisty heroine, the log suffering girlfriend of Triad leader William, who more than hold her own in the male centred world of the Hong Kong Triad fraternity.
Given the lack of gangster centred films in recent years in Hong Kong cinema, a sensitive area and genre for film-makers looking for distribution in mainland China, Triad is a welcome return to the territory of the ‘young and dangerous’ school of films. In fact director Daniel Chan would go onto direct the ‘Young and Dangerous’ reboot later in the year. Filled with stylized violence, Triad rituals, and just enough retro cool gangster styling’s to evoke the seminal films of Andrew Lau, Triad plays as a homage to the glory days of the Hong Kong teen gangster film.

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