【Stereo】Moranbong Band - 学ぼう / 배우자 / Let's study(モランボン楽団)

Composition: Hwang Jin-yong 황진영, 1992.

Vocal quintet: Pak Mi-kyong (red), Kim Sol-mi (white), Jong Su-hyang (light blue), Kim Yu-kyong (dark blue), Pak Son-hyang (dark)

Concert theme: Demonstration performance given by the newly organized Moranbong Band
Place: Mansudae Art Theatre, Central Pyongyang

Stereo Version

*Korean, English, Polish, and Japanese subtitles.
*English subtitles were duly provided by Moranbong Band HD.
*Polish subtitles were added by Moranbong Band Po Polsku.

Playlist of this concert;


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