AI Engine Architecture: Data Movement, Synchronization, Reconfiguration & Application Mapping

Speaker: David Clarke
Venue: SPCL_Bcast, recorded on 15 December, 2022
Abstract: AI Engine (AIE) is an array of vector processors developed by AMD/Xilinx. AIE is part of both the Xilinx Versal 7nm family of devices and next-gen AMD APU devices. This architecture is composed of a 2D array of tiles, where each compute tile includes a VLIW SIMD vector processor, scratchpad memory, data movement engines and streaming interconnect. Target applications include machine learning inference in datacentre, automotive and edge, as well as wireless (5G) acceleration. In this talk, David will present an overview of the architecture and then go into details on data movement, synchronization, reconfiguration, and application mapping onto hardware.

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0:00 Intro
1:00 Talk
53:55 Announcements

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