Bruise on the body … abuse at special nursing home for the elderly





In Kyoto Prefecture Miyazu City’s special nursing home for the aged, Kyoto Prefecture announced that there was abuse against residents.

According to Kyoto Prefecture, in December last year, a lot of bruising marks were confirmed in the body of a woman in her 90’s falling from the bed at the special nursing home for senior citizen “Answi no Sato” in Miyazu City, and a chronic hard I was diagnosed with submembrane hematoma.

As a result of survey conducted by Miyazu City and others, it was obvious that the injured people were injured as a result of external pressure, and since they were doing sick care such as performing nursing care by two persons by themselves, this month, the abuse was certified It is said.

In addition to having 16 other suspected abuses, in addition to making recommendation for improvement to the management corporation, Kyoto prefecture will also consider accusations.

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