犬塚弘 Inuzuka Hiroshi
1968年生まれ 長崎県在住
日本博を契機とした障害者の文化芸術フェスティバル 九州ブロックに出展した犬塚弘の作家紹介動画です。
Sitting in the center of a drawing is a sake bottle, and the text and numbers are written around it. Written on the sake and shochu bottles are the trademarks of liquor and the illustration or design of the brand is depicted in the same colors and layout as the real ones. The text around them includes the distiller’s name, address, price, ingredients of the liquor and production method such as kinds of grains in the materials and the alcohol content. If necessary, he adds more detailed explanation such as sales statement and its history if it is a vintage liquor. They might be understood as a page of product advertisement. However, traces of crayons and color pencils are lively, and it is understood that handwritten characters, not in printing type but arranged freely, are not for the purpose of advertising, and the sake bottles are simply chosen as the subject for drawing. We wonder where his persistent interest in the sake-bottle design and brand comes from, and this question makes the works even more attractive. From early childhood Inuzuka was attracted to colors and shapes of sake bottles that he had seen when his father threw parties at home. In his early landscape drawings, some sake bottles hid somewhere. Soon the sake bottle itself became the subject and the present drawing style was established. Recently he began visiting sake brewers and is now engaged in the research on the subject for painting.
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