【予告】韓国の人糞酒 –  Korean Poo Wine (Trailer)

韓国に古くから伝わる薬用酒、トンスル。その主原料はなんと、子どものウンコ!謎に包まれたトンスルのお味を直に確かめるべく、VICE JAPANは韓国の地に降り立った。

‘Ttongsul’ is a Korean rice wine mixed with the fermented turd of a human child and has an alcoholic content of around 9%. Little is known about the origins of this pungent booze, which is surely one of the worlds most bizarre and gag inducing medicines. Intrigued, we set out to discover if the insane rumours were true. Vice Japan correspondent Yuka Uchida travelled from Tokyo to Seoul in order to sample some vintage feces wine for herself.

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