Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope 2 & 3 (New Live Action Film)

Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope
Created by Rita McMillin & Donnie McMillin
Based on Story and Characters by Akira Toriyama

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DBZ: Light of hope is a live-action adaptation of “The History of Trunks”. In this timeline, Goku & the Z Warriors are gone. This is the story of Gohan & Trunks in their battle to survive against the Androids. -- Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope is a non-profit, live-action DBZ series. It’s made by fans, & is not affiliated with or endorsed by official license holders.

Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope
Created by Rita McMillin & Donnie McMillin
Based on Story and Characters by Akira Toriyama

A Robot Underdog Film
in association with Z Team Films and Loco-Motion Pictures

Directed and Produced by Donnie McMillin & Rita McMillin
Written by Rita McMillin, Derek Padula
Action Director - Lohan Buson
Fight Choreography - Lohan Buson, Fabien Garcia http://www.zteamfilms.com
Editors - Donnie McMillin, Rita McMillin, Lohan Buson (Fight editor)
Visual Effects Artists - Lohan Buson (fight), Donnie McMillin, Gregory Hall, Rita McMillin
Music by Abraham Castaneda, John Silas, Eddie Towner, IM JD

Kenny Leu as Future Gohan http://bit.ly/29KVBv4
Tyler Tackett as Android 17 http://on.fb.me/1Lyzend
Amy Johnston as Android 18 http://www.amy-johnston.com/
Jack Wald as Trunks http://imdb.to/1ab8P3q
Ruthann Thompson as Bulma http://bit.ly/1zcdPJV
Katelyn Brooke as Dawn - http://bit.ly/2a5x8Uh
Lily Caputo as Mai
Voice Cast - Tim Neff as the Voice of Future Trunks
RefugeeS - Ruben Mercado, Jesse Adrade, Erik Lopez

Producers: Rita McMillin, Donnie McMillin, Lohan Buson, JJ Vasquez, Gregory Hall,
Unit Production Manager/1st. A.D. - J.J. Vazquez

Fight Cinematographer/Colorist- Fabien Garcia
Fight Sound Design - Lohan Buson
Costumes - Rita McMillin
Props (Vegeta Armor) - Boba Joe Carrera
Art Director/Makeup FX - Ruben Mercado, Adam Milicevic
Opening Credits Artwork - Nexus Yggdrasil
Poster & Storyboards - Taylor Sterling: http://taylorsterling.com/
Composer - Abraham Castaneda
Co-Composers - John Silas, Edward Towner
Vocals - Maria Di Cara
Flutes - Lauren Wieland
Brass - Brandon Ferrar
Music Coordinator & Mastering Engineer - IMJD
Mix Engineer - Edward Towner
Additional Music by Taras Tkachenko, APM, Mechanic Vibes
Recorded/Mixed - Seahorse Sound Studios, Architech Studios, EDRC Studios
Camera Operators - Michael Flotron, Rita McMillin, Jose Rossy, Donnie McMillin
Drone Operators - Chris Yung, Michael Flotron
1st Assistant Camera - Jose Rossy, Anuar Fuentes
Gaffer - Mario Hurtado
Mixer/Boom Op - Will Miller
Acting Coach - Darren Bailey
Key Grip - Trigg Ferrano
2nd Assistant Director - Joshua De La Cruz
BTS Camera- Keagan Overstreet, Jose Rossy, Adam Arnali
PA/Grip: Kaleah Calloway, Keagan Overstreet, Anuar Fuentes, Leonard Cole, Justin Aberin, Patrick D. Kelly
Associate Producer/Previz Stunt Coordinator: Taylor Ingram Wildman
Stunt Team (Previs): Taylor Ingram Wildman, Jet Tranter, Chris Yung, Lohan Buson, Maxime Demba
Robot Underdog Social Media - Shaun Hawksworth, Clint Silva

English - Eduard Alvarez Diaz
Bosnian - Jango Alicko
Dutch - Sandro Bark, Dennis Lookman
French - Pierre Roucoules
German - Jonas Herb
Hindu - Thakur Abhishek Singh Chauhan
Hungarian - Mészáros István
Italian - Vito Lanci http://on.fb.me/19t1Ulc
Japanese - Melanie Arayama
Lithuanian - Petro Jankovskij
Mandarin - Chihzon Tsai
Polish - Wojtek Mikoś - http://dbnao.net/
Portuguese (Brazil) - Alex Rodrigues Honorato, Felipe Rodrigues
Portuguese (Portugal) - Humberto Bebiano
Spanish Eduard Alvarez Diaz
Spanish (Castilian) - Antonio Sanchez-Migallon Jimenez /twitter.com/MrKaytos
Thai - Neung Pattarawat

Associate Producers Chris Yung
IndieGoGo Associate Producers: David Mouly, Shaun Hawksworth, Anthony Stewart, Thani althani, Jason Richter, Huy Ngo, Babatunwa Aderinokun, Zach Renz, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Marc Goldner

Qaaman aka Detective Q
Geekdom 101
Casa Do Kame - http://on.fb.me/1BikebZ
Dragon Ball Dream - http://on.fb.me/1zplQfn
Dragon Blog Z - http://www.dragonblogz.com
Geek Outpost - http://www.geekoutpost.com
Rhymestyle - http://bit.ly/1fiedN4
Thundershot69 - http://bit.ly/1whct4f

Stock Footage by Adobe, Pond5, and Shutterstock

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