That Demon Within | 魔警 | Trailer 2 | HD

That Demon Within (2014) | Director: Dante LAM | Starring: Daniel WU, Nick CHEUNG

SYNOPSIS | By a strange twist of fate, dutiful Hong Kong policeman Dave Wong (Daniel Wu) saves the life of the leader of a violent gang of armed robbers. When they commit another crime, Dave is determined to put an end to their activities. He works with the leader Hon Kong (Nick Cheung), whom the gang had betrayed, to engineer a plan to wreak havoc within the gang and let the gangsters kill one another. But it becomes increasingly obvious to Dave and to his colleagues that Dave is suffering from a severe mental disorder, and Dave finds that instead of upholding the law as a righteous police officer, he has now become a fugitive wanted for murder. Dave changes his plan and executes one final move that is certain to wipe out all traces of the gang and restore his reputation as a good police officer.

魔警 (2014) | 導演:林超賢 | 領銜主演:吳彥祖、張家輝

故事大綱 | 電影《魔警》講述一名盡忠職守的警員王偉業,某次當值期間無意中拯救了一名惡名昭彰的悍匪韓江,誰知韓江傷癒後屢屢犯案,令警民死傷慘重。王偉業極度後悔,一心想親手捉拿韓江贖罪,豈知彷似一步一步跌入自己的心魔和圈套,牽連更多無辜巿民!精神幾近崩潰的王偉業只好鋌而走險,誓要跟韓江及其黨羽來個了結,甚至不惜同歸於盡!

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