Two everyday Japanese High School students end up having a chase of epic proportions through the streets of Atami.
It starts out innocently enough – a pair of ordinary schoolgirls, close friends, are messing about, shooting a video of each other on a smart phone when one of them suddenly bolts. Her friend gives chase and things escalate when the pair uses ninja tactics in an epic pursuit that leads from the school all around the city of Atami.
吉野楓香 / Fuka Yoshino
Fuka Yoshino is a professional kick boxer (shoot boxing) who belongs to the “Toshinjuku” school. Not only fresh and cute, she is a powerful and agile athlete. The juxtaposition between “cute” and “powerful” is part of her charm.
千住宗臣 / Muneomi Senju
国内外で高い評価を受けるオルタナティブバンド「ボアダムズ」の元ドラマー。脱退後は小山田圭吾(cornerius)、高橋幸宏や細野晴臣 (YMO)などと共演、UA、原田郁子、相対性理論などのレコーディングやライブもサポート。 様々な境界線を飛び越え活動中。
Muneomi Senju is a drummer. He was a member of the Boredoms from 2005. Since leaving the Boredoms, he has performed with various artists such as Merzbow, Bill Laswell, Arto Lindsay, Otomo Yoshihide, Keigo Oyamada (of Cornelius), Damo Suzuki (of Can), Jim O’Rourke and the Hair Stylistics. He also works as a solo artist, creating soundtracks, remixes and compositions for theatre, fashion shows, and television adverts.
【舞台となる街/ Town which is the stage】
熱海市役所 公式ホームページ / Atami City Hall official website
From its beautiful public sea park to its historic Castle rebuilt in the Showa era; from the back alleys of the Ginza shopping district to the famous “Power Spot”Kinomiya Shrine., the beach-side resort town of Atami is a popular tourist spot and a shining example of old-meets-new Japan at its finest.
【企画 / Planner】BIJIN&Co. Inc.
美人時計 / bijin-tokei http://www.bijint.com/
I deal with beauty is to let you know the time such as “beauty clock”, a service that hired the local beauty of the whole country Company. 60,000 people more than total number of performers to services (2014 point). Mainly in Japan, to expand the business Hawaii, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand or the like.
Please don’t try this at home.
Official permission was obtained for all locations depicted in this movie.
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