大きな被害を受けた大船渡市 [震災翌日]

Ofunato city suffering great damage (Day following the earthquake) The Japanese text is followed by an English translation.



[映像中に登場するレポーターは、岩手めんこいテレビ・千田剛裕 アナウンサー、同じく 佐々木雅啓 記者]

Footage: Report of the earthquake and tsunami damage situation from Ofunato city, situated on the southeastern area of Iwate prefecture. (March 12th)

At around 6 a.m. in the morning, looking out northeastward (near Ofunato station of JR Ofunato line) from near Ofunato Municipal Junior High School, a hill approximately 500m from the sea, one can view the situation at the city center, that has suffered a devastating blow. Ofunato town of Chayamae area, which is supposed to be a busy shopping district is now exposing its merciless state, with each of its buildings greatly damaged. Within the neighborhood covered in gravel and rubble, only the taller houses and buildings can be recognized as its former self. It is impossible to make out where one of the major arterial roads, national route 45 (Hamaiso highway) used to be. The Sasazaki pedestrian overpass which stands over the national route is covered in building debris and floating wreckage to its top. A number of local residents have returned to examine their homes and neighborhood, which has gone through a drastic change overnight, now practically a wasteland.

At around 7 a.m. in the morning, about 200m to the north side of Ofunato Junior High School at the lower grounds of Ofunato Elementary School facing national route 45, several cars have been washed away to the schoolyard, toppled over sideways or abandoned due to the water reaching as high as its classrooms.
On the walls and glass of the school building, traces of the tsunami are clearly apparent. Those backpacks and notebooks of the children who supposedly escaped are scattered melancholically. Looking out to the national route from the schoolyard, the area is completely wiped out. The JR Ofunato line that ran along the route, nicknamed as the “Dragon Rail” is now covered in debris, and in some parts, the tracks are bent and disfigured.

-Appearing in the footage is announcer Takehiro Senda and journalist Masahiro Sasaki from Iwate Menkoi TV-


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