This video is an introduction to IPFS (interplanetary file system). IPFS is a decentralized distributed file storage system that allows you to store files or digital assets in a decentralized fashion through nodes scattered across the world (think Tor network but with a consistent naming and hashing of content).
In this video chris explains the relevance of IPFS to Metaverse and Web3 technologies such as NFT's (Non Fungible Tokens) and how IPFS powers NFT's hosted on the most popular NFT marketplace Opensea. We take a deep dive at the metadata of NFT's and view some NFT's hosted in IPFS directly via Brave Browser and via IPFS gateway such as Cloudflare discussing why we should use the IPFS scheme rather than using gateway url's
Having built an understanding of NFT's we then look at the architecture of NFT's and how it compares to traditional centralized architectures, we look at how we can get started with creating our own IPFS nodes to host our content.
Finally after realizing that hosting our own nodes are painful, we use a popular pinning platform called Pinata to host our assets.
At the end of this video you should have a good overview of IPFS and how to get started with it and how it fits into the Web3 ecosystem
00:00 - introduction
00:52 - what is ipfs
01:53 - ipfs and nft's
03:18 - how opensea uses ipfs
04:10 - NFT metadata
05:15 - Viewing opensea NFT's in IPFS and Brave
05:30 - Brave Browser and IPFS
06:50 - IPFS Gateways such as CloudFlare
10:24 - Decentralized IPFS architecture vs Centralized architecture
14:24 - Pro's and Cons of IPFS vs Centralized Storage
19:09 - Creating and Installing an IPFS node in Azure Cloud
24:30 - Hosting and viewing content from your own IPFS node
27:45 - Unique Content Identifiers (CID) and Hashing
31:35 - Nodes must be online to serve content
33:25 - Pinning content with Pinata
36:00 - Hosting images in IPFS using Pinata
38:00 - Hosting videos in IPFS using Pinata
39:00 - Hosting Folders in IPFS
39:22 - Hosting a React application in IPFS
42:15 - Conclusion
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