【地震・災害】日本の過去の災害を振り返る① -About the disaster of the past in Japan-って動画が話題らしいぞ
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いまきた 説明文ないの?
Camel Tこれは・・もはや死亡フラグか・・・?なんなのか・・
Camel Tの動画は良作が多い気がするな~~
Camel T死亡フラグか・・・?
投稿したのが07/05 04:47なんかな~なんだかなーで6153以上も???再生されてるってすごいよなー
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■■関連動画 Related video■■
【地震・災害】日本の過去の災害を振り返る② -About the disaster of the past in Japan-
https://youtu.be/SL3wLSmstts【地震・災害】日本の過去の災害を振り返る③ -About the disaster of the past in Japan-
https://youtu.be/KOvF2Y-9ss0■自然災害の多い国 日本の歴史を振り返ります。
■I look back on history of country Japan with many natural disasters.
Japan is the country that the natural disasters such as a typhoon, a heavy rain, a heavy snow, a flood, the earth and sand disaster, an earthquake, a tsunami, the volcanic eruption are easy to produce in comparison with a foreign country.
Only 0.28% of the whole world have the area of the country of Japan. However, 20.5% of earthquakes that are higher than the magnitude 6 that happened throughout the world take place in Japan, and there are 7.0% of active volcanoes of the whole world in Japan. In addition, 11.9% of damage amounts of money that 0.3% of people dying of a disaster throughout the world received by Japan, a disaster of the whole world become the Japanese damage amount of money. In this way, Japan is the country which a ratio is high in of the disaster in the world.
The number of dead person, missing people ceased to surpass 1,000 people by the maintenance of the dike or the technological change for the earthquake, but a dead person, a missing person became 6,437 people greatest till then by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of January, 1995 (Heisei 7) now. However, by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March, 2011 (Heisei 23), a dead person, the missing people more than 20,000 more than 3 times of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake appeared.
#地震 #災害 #防災
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