The Ravens -「Never Come Back」

Now on Streaming
「Never Come Back」

Never Come Back
Lyrics:Kj / Music: PABLO

nothing’s gonna change
a small case is still empty
a tiny light has left me
just stay as it used to be
we try to gather seashells
and decorate this place

same as up till now
it’s same here now as it was in the past
the greatest days will never come back
we ride on the one way track
that we ain't left behind
let’s drive to the place where we may find

nothing’s gonna change
the cold hearted rain falls
no one finds the rainbow
just stay as it used to be
we try to make a leaf ship
and float it on the puddle

same as up till now
it’s same here now as it was in the past
the greatest days will never come back
we ride on the one way track
that we ain't left behind
let’s drive to the place where we may find
where we may find

no one can rewind this tape
and no one can rewrite this tale
so we’re only holding on today

the greatest days will never come back
we ride on the one way track
that we ain't left behind
let’s drive to the place where we may find
where we may find

where we may find

Music Video:岩崎淳
The Ravens

生産限定盤CD+DVD 税込4,180円
通常盤CD: 税込3,080円
ビクターオンラインスト限定セットCD+DVD+ソックス 税込6,930円

1. Opening Ceremony
2. Anthemic
3. 楽園狂想曲
4. Black Keys
5. Never Come Back
6. アポフェニア
7. メタモルフォーゼ
8. Wayfarer
9. ハムリア
10. Firefly
11. 白鯨
12. XOXO

ドキュメンタリー映像収録 「The Ravens Documentary Film “State of Mind”」

Now on Streaming
on streaming:

「Opening Ceremony」
on YouTube:

[楽園狂想曲] on YouTube:

on YouTube:
The Ravens Tour 2022 ~ Wayfarer ~
10/4(火)愛知 名古屋 CLUB QUATTRO
open18:00 / start 19:00
10/5(水)大阪 梅田 CLUB QUATTRO
open18:00 / start 19:00
10/19(水)広島 広島 CLUB QUATTRO
open18:00 / start 19:00
10/21(金)福岡 DRUM LOGOS
open18:00 / start 19:00
10/23(日)神奈川 YOKOHAMA Bay Hall
open17:00 / start 18:00
11/9(水)東京 渋谷CLUB QUATTRO
open18:00 / start 19:00


More info.
The Ravens Official Site:

The Ravens
Kj –Vocal & Guitar
Takeshi –Bass
PABLO –Guitar
Shunsuke Watanabe –Piano, Keyboards & Chorus
Makoto Sakurai –Drums & Chorus

The Ravens Official Site:

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The Ravens Facebook @TheRavens5:
Twitter @theRAVENS_5:
Instagram the_ravens5 :
TikTok @theravens_official:

#TheRavens #ANTHEMICS #Kj #Takeshi #PABLO #ShunsukeWatanabe #MakotoSakurai

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