Me And My Les Paul! In this new series I try my Gibson Les Paul Custom through all my tube amps with killer riffs that were written especially for the amp in question. This first episode features the Victory Super Kraken VX100 with some rock and metal riffs and tones! Enjoy!
Victory Super Kraken Review & Demo: https://youtu.be/sNhOJXKP4P0
Gibson Les Paul Custom Review & Demo: https://youtu.be/T2spzwcljlo
Gear used:
- Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul Custom
- MXR 10 Band EQ pedal
- Redseven Amplification Amp Central
- York Audio IRs MES 412 OS
- Steven Slate Drums 5.5
- Cubase 12 Pro
00:00 What Is This About?
01:27 The RIFFS! (Gibson Custom + Super Kraken)
03:08 Gear, Signal Flow & Settings
06:03 MXR 10 Band EQ ON / OFF AB Comparison
06:30 More Gear & Settings
07:52 Isolated RIFFS!
09:31 Conclusion
York Audio Impulse Responses: https://www.yorkaudio.co/
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