#19 Jasmin Moore/ Intuitive Eating, Tips for Dietitians, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea etc…

EP.19 I invite Dietian Entrepreneur, Jasmin Moore onto the show. Jasmin and I met in high school in Australia and after graduating, she had gotten her Undergraduating Degree, majoring in Dietitics and Nutrition at Griffith University in Queensland Australia. Then she had go ahead and started up her own business (Intutive Eating for Female Coaches and Entrepreneurs) as a dietitian business mentor. In this episode we talk about how Jasmin built her online business as well as eating habits, eating disorders, fat shaming and more… Hope you enjoy the episode.


01:45 Introduction/ 紹介
06:30 Utilizing social media for business
10:10 What is intuitive eating? / インチュイティブ・イーティングとは?
17:42 Intuitive eating misconc eptions/ よく間違えられること
26:10 Misleading information on the internet/SNSでフィルターかけないといけないアドバイス
34:30 Diet for entrepreneurs/ 経営者向けのダイエット
39:38 Post quarantine diet and stress/ 自粛明けの食生活とストレス
42:37 Is society to blame for making us feel bad for being fat/
56:05 Amenorrhea and athletes/ アスリートと視床下部性無月経
01:03:20 What is the perfect diet?/ 理想的なダイエットとは?
01:10:35 Where can we reach you?/ SNS教えて

Jasmin’s Instagram: @jasminmoore
Facebook Group and info on Jasmin’s platform: @jasminmoore.dietitian

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