The Hitachi Tree first originated through a TV commercial that aired in Japan in 1973. It symbolized the “comprehensive drive” and the “wide business range” of the Hitachi Group. It continues today as an image of the Hitachi Group’s working for communities through leveraging of its collective capacities and technologies, and the dedication of the individuals that the Group comprises.
The tree is widely recognized, especially in Japan, and has become an important symbol of the Hitachi Group’s reliability, and earth-friendliness. It also enhances Hitachi’s brand value as a visual representation of its corporate slogan: “Inspire the Next.”
Over the past 35 years, the Hitachi Tree has become a valuable Hitachi Group asset as a familiar and respected image in Hitachi’s expanding messages globally.
Produced in Feb, 2005
“日立树”以1棵”扎根于大地、伸展着粗壮的树枝、开着各种鲜花并结着果实” 的大树表现了日立集团的综合实力和成长性、事业的广泛性和强劲力。三十多年前,自”日立树”出现在日本国内的广告之后,它把我们的心愿传播给了人们。并且现在,这棵已成长为苍郁挺拔、充满活力的大树,也表达了我们通过各种对环境的努力而描绘的未来蓝图。今后,日立集团将与”日立树”一起,共同成长。
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