Uchuu Senshi Baldios Music Collection - 宇宙戦士バルディオス 音楽集

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The soundtrack to the Uchuu Senshi Baldios anime.

Disc 1
00:00 1. あしたに生きろバルディオス (Live for Tomorrow, Baldios)
03:08 2. 帝国の危機 (Crisis of the Empire)
06:08 3. 暗殺の夜 (The Night of the Assassination)
09:16 4. 新世界へ (To the New World)
12:36 5. 異星の客 (Visitor from Another Planet)
16:43 6. 侵略の日 (The Day of the Invasion)
20:10 7. 地球の緑の丘 (The Green Hills of Earth)
23:46 8. 行け!宇宙戦士マリン (Go! Space Warrior Marin)
26:24 9. 立て!バルディオス (Stand Up! Baldios)
29:33 10. 亜空間要塞 (Subspace Fortress)
31:58 11. 地球の一番長い午後 (The Longest Afternoon of Earth)
35:23 12. 星空の虹 (A Rainbow in the Starry Sky)
39:16 13. アフロディアに花束を (Flowers for Aphrodia)
42:50 14. 永遠の終り (End of Eternity)
46:01 15. 地球人よ故郷に還れ (The Returning of the Earthlings)
48:40 16. マリン、いのちの旅 (Marin, Trek of Life)

Disc 2
51:58 1. Sea Wind
55:59 2. 序曲 (Overture)
57:56 3. 侵略 (The Invasion)
1:01:25 4. 邂逅 (Encounter)
1:04:01 5. 戦闘I (Battle I)
1:06:34 6. 絶望 (Despair)
1:09:21 7. 孤独 (Solitude)
1:11:24 8. 予感 (Premonition)
1:13:27 9. 女いのち歌 (Song of a Woman's Life)
1:17:29 10. 思い出ブルー・ドリーム (Memories of a Blue Dream)
1:21:22 11. 惑い (Delusion)
1:24:35 12. 安息 (Rest)
1:27:31 13. 戦闘II (Battle II)
1:31:13 14. 破滅 (Destruction)
1:34:05 15. 別離 (The Parting)
1:35:33 16. 対決 (The Showdown)
1:38:41 17. 素顔のままで (Just the Way You Are)

Disc 1: All Music Composed & Arranged by Kentaro Haneda
Lyrics: Kougo Hotomi (01,09,12,16)
Vocals: Koichi Ise (01,16), Isao Taira (09), Kazuko Kawashima (12)

Disc 2: Composed by: Masaki Satoh/佐藤真紀 (01,17), Kentaro Haneda (02~16)
Arranged by: Koji Suzuki & TONY (01,17), Kentaro Haneda (02~16)
Strings Arr.: Nozomi Aoki (17)
Lyrics by: Masatoshi Ueda (01), Kougo Hotomi (09,10), Masaki Satoh (17)
Vocals by: TONY (01,17), Keiko Toda (09,10)

I'm not the owner of this work in any way or form.
If you enjoy the music, please consider supporting the artists.

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