10/26 国連総会General Assembly, 73rd session -Third Committee, 36th meeting
26 Oct 2018 :Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Committee.
北朝鮮と日本 互いに「人権侵害」と 北朝鮮、中国、ロシア、日本、北朝鮮、日本の再反論の順で
④日本・国連代表部の鈴木誉里子公使:北朝鮮への反論 拉致問題
⑤北朝鮮:日本への反論 神戸朝鮮高級学校の生徒が修学旅行先の北朝鮮から持ち帰ったお土産が、税関で没収された問題
NHK記事:日本と北朝鮮が拉致問題で応酬 人権問題扱う国連総会の委員会 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20181027/k10011688261000.html
26 Oct 2018 :Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Committee.
Promotion and protection of human rights - Item 74
Implementation of human rights instruments - Item 74 (a)
Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms - Item 74 (b)
Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives - Item 74 (c)
Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action - item 74 (d)
Introductory statement(s) by special procedures mandate holder(s), followed by interactive dialogue
Continuation of the general discussion
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