桜の花びら〜前田敦子 solo ver.〜 AKB48 ギターソロ (Acoustic Guitar Solo)

One week ago, I was watching AKB48 in Tokyo Dome, I remember the first song of the live is this song – 桜の花びら. Acchan sang alone from the beginning of the show, it is really touching.

I am not sure that I will still support AKB in the future, but one thing I am sure is, 1830mの夢 is a really really great show! I have no regret to spend so much time and money and give up other live to see this concert! あっちゃん,頑張でください!

一星期之前,我係Tokyo Dome睇緊AKB48嘅Live,我記得果晚第一首歌就係Acchan出來Solo唱呢一首歌「桜の花びら」,佢果日唱得好好,無一路喊一路唱。去到Encore位唱完「夢の河」之後,佢返左入後台,台上面嘅Members就再次合唱起呢一首歌,同時間,Acchan佢隻船係台邊巡遊一周,我好榮幸可以好近距離見到Acchan,可以大聲叫佢,可以見到佢同我揮手。


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