アニメ『ULTRAMAN』Season2 新PV公開!【2022年4月14日より Netflixにて全世界配信】

【Official Website】 → https://anime.heros-ultraman.com/

神山健治×荒牧伸志 両監督によるウルトラ世界は未知のゾーンへ!

世界中で地球人の大量消滅事件が発生──。 レナと進次郎も、同時に消失してしまう。 そんな中、フリージャーナリストの東光太郎は恋人のイズミとともに「消失事件」の謎を追い始める。
異星人の正体はテロ組織「暗黒の星」。彼らは世界に向けて声明を出す。 「人類の半分を消滅させるか、地球の半分を割譲するか……どちらかを選べ」

「暗黒の星」と科特隊の闘いに巻き込まれ、知りすぎた光太郎は、命を失いそうになるが……。 決戦の相手は巨大兵器「黄金の城塞」。街を破壊し尽くす巨大メカを相手に、ULTRAMAN、セブン、タロウに加え、 ゾフィー・ジャック・エースも参戦。 ついにULTRAMAN6ヒーローが集結する!
A new character “Taro” appears! Following the legendary Ultra 6 Brothers, the 6 Warriors (ULTRAMAN, SEVEN, ACE, ZOFFY, JACK, TARO) assemble to face against an alien conspiracy of galactic scale! Since it began streaming on Netflix in 2019, the ULTRAMAN Anime has garnered popularity with fans not only in Japan, but the world over.
Season 2 will be released for global streaming in April 14th, 2022!
The hit manga produced by Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi is brought to life in anime by directors Kenji Kamiyama and Shinji Aramaki! Japan’s treasured hero Ultraman is born again in Anime ULTRAMAN and opens a new chapter in his history to the rest of the world.
A global mass disappearing event takes place among humanity. Rena and Shinjiro simultaneously vanish.
In the wake of these events, freelance journalist Kotaro Higashi investigates this mysterious “disappearance incident.”
The aliens behind it are the terrorist organisation Dark Star. They transmit a message to those on Earth. “Give us half of the Earth, or sacrifice half of its people… make your choice”.
At the same time, the recently disappeared Rena and Shinjiro are teleported to the Dark Star ship orbiting the Earth.
Learning too much, Kotaro is caught in the crossfire between Dark Star and the SSSP, and is almost left for dead…. In the final battle, our heroes face off against the Golden Fortress.
Facing this giant mecha destorying the city, ULTRAMAN, SEVEN and TARO are joined by ZOFFY, JACK, and ACE. At long last the 6 ULTRAMAN heroes have assembled!

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