From 1 October 20 New section 206C(1H) is applicable which is TCS on sale of goods but there are lots of confusion about its calculation, Who is liable to collect TCS on sale, When to collect TCS on Sale, is GST to include while collecting TCS and many more queries and all are sorted out in this video
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(3) Composition Returns (CMP-08, GSTR-4, GSTR-9A) with job work Live webinar on 4 October 2020 (Sunday): https://studywudy.com/product/composition-returns-cmp-08-gstr-4-with-live-training-on-04-10-2020/
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How to calculate TCS on sale,
Who is liable to collect TCS,
TCS on sale,
why tcs deducted on sale,
why tax on sale deducted,
new tax on sale,
New Tax on sale,
Is TCS applicable on export,
Ca guru ji
New section of TCS,
Section 206 C (1H)
Income tax,
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