#ririkasos #animeost #animesoundtracks #animemusic #animebgm
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The first part of the soundtrack to the Nurse Angel Ririka SOS anime.
Composer: Shinkichi Mitsumune
Arranger: Shinkichi Mitsumune
00:00 1. 生命(いのち)の輝きは永遠(とわ)に (The Radiance of Life Is Eternal)
01:52 2. だから涙をふいて (So Wipe Away the Tears)
03:46 3. 気品あふれし学びの庭 (School Garden of Overflowing Grace)
05:26 4. 毎日の中のしあわせ (Everyday Happiness)
08:00 5. サブタイトル (Subtitle)
08:23 6. 少女は気高く美しく (The Girl is Noble and Beautiful)
09:52 7. 素敵な笑顔にかこまれながら (Surrounded by Wonderful Smiling Faces)
11:04 8. 事件はいつも突然に (Trouble Always Appears Suddenly)
13:03 9. 恋をするたびに傷つきやすく…(アイキャッチ) (When In Love, One Can Be Hurt So Easily)
13:24 10 せつなさだけが大人びて(Growing Up With Just Sadness)
15:08 11. ここにいて (I am Here)
19:08 12. 哀しみより重き使命—カノンメインテーマ— (A Mission More Important Than Sorrow - Kanon's Main Theme)
21:16 13. 暗黒からの刺客 (Assassin from the Darkness)
22:55 14. 迫りくる影たち (Shadows Closing In)
25:11 15. 守りたい人がいるから (Because There's Someone I Want to Protect)
27:25 16. 優しさを勇気に変えるとき (When Gentleness Becomes Courage)
29:16 17. 光あふれる世界のために (For the Sake of the World Which Overflows with Light)
31:02 18. 冷酷な気配 (Cruel Sign)
33:53 19. 負けられない理由 (Undefeatable Reason)
35:32 20. 黄昏は胸に降りて (Twilight Falling In My Heart)
37:49 21. 悪意に満ちた力 (Malicious Power)
39:36 22. 新たなる戦いの舞台 (New Stage of Battle)
43:33 23. 深い闇を越えて (Beyond Deep Darkness)
45:41 24. 心,あるがままに (In the Heart, Like This)
46:57 25. すべての愛すべきものへ—りりかメインテーマ— (To All Loveable Things - Ririka's Main Theme)
49:21 26. りりかSOS〈ALBUM VERSION〉(Ririka SOS - Album Version)
Composed: Tetsuya Komuro
Arranged: Shinkichi Mitsumune
12 (Insert song)
Lyrics: Akitaroh Daichi
Composed & Arranged: Osamu Tezuka
Performed: Kaori Asoh
27 (ED theme ep.1~23)
Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto
Composed: Marichans (まりちゃんズ)
Arranged: Masaki Iwamoto
Performed: Kaori Asoh
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