This is the first of two Moeru! Onii-san (The Burning Wild Man) OVA episodes that were released on VHS for the Japanese tape rental market on June 15th, 1989 with versions available for consumers on July 1, 1989. This episode contains two segments, "Howdy-do on my First Video! The Crazy Outta Control Duck Nicholson Chapter" and "Extreme Madness Bowling! The Invisible Big Brother Chapter."
The OVA series introduces Duck Nicholson, a character heavily influenced by Jack Nicholson & D*n*ld D*ck. He becomes a mainstay in the manga series starting in the sixth volume of the Moeru! Onii-san manga series.
One significant difference between the OVA and the TV series is that the hair colors for Hidou, Miss Ayako, Yukie and Sayuri are different. This is because the OVA series uses their hair colors used the manga. Another interesting difference is that Akira Shiranui, who appears frequently in the TV series, is absent in the OVA series.
The last few minutes of this episode promotes the upcoming Moeru! Onii-san Nintendo Family Computer Game which was scheduled to be released on August 8, 1989, six weeks after the release of the OVA series. This rather mediocre game was later repackaged as "Circus Capers" when it was localized for the North American Nintendo Entertainment System. The Moeru! Onii-san famicom game, along with the Tatakae! Ramen-man famicom game, were two games based on Shonen Jump titles that didn't make it to the Nintendo Famicom mini Shonen Jump version when it was released on July 7th, 2018.
Of all the Moeru! Onii-san episodes out there, this was the very first one to have been subtitled into English back in the mid 1990s by Nora Inu Anime, and later by Nora Inu "G". It took nearly twenty years later for me to release the rest of the series with a English subtitles. Oddly, out of all the timed and translated scripts that RK Veda and I had released during our time as Nora Inu Anime, this is probably the one that is still somewhat easy to come by; many other scripts have been lost over time. This version has been redone to better match the style of my translations done to the TV series, add a few missing material, polish up some of the dialogue and translations that I did years ago in the original version, as well as fine tune some of the timing that RK Veda did.
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