マスク、医療用と一般用にJIS基準でKnowledge of the Coronavirus | The COVID-19 Pandemic Story | my prediction for Indonesia出てくると思わなかったわ
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This year 2020 is the latest world history that I have never experienced. The whole country did a lockdown because of a virus originating from one city in one province in the State of China. Many people experience financial losses. Many people are dismissed from their jobs, because employers do not want to provide salaries while their employees are at home. The entrepreneurs also suffered a lot of losses and wanted to sue the government for the losses. One influenza virus that is very easily spread in cold air is COVID-19. All safeguards on national borders are heavily guarded by medical officers and security services.
In this video I want to discuss about the Corona virus that is currently a pandemic. I want to share knowledge about the origin, history, development, evolution, and many things about the corona virus. Because many people actually do not really understand, but they are very scared and ultimately easy to be fooled.
There are many false news about corona virus, people who die from corona virus, medicine to cure corona virus and many more things. People who spread the hoax, use it to earn money.
I also want to share stories about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. About masks whose prices soared and masks collected from rubbish, washed, ironed, and resold. About homemade hand sanitizers without testing from the health department, but they are already sold immediately. And about invalid thermometers. Many people also do not know about normal human temperatures.
In this video I also tell in detail about my prediction in 2019 in September. In September 2019, I once talked to my mother; "If in September to the end of November, in Semarang there is no heavy rain or a long duration, rain from morning to night with short pauses and rain again. Then in 2020, Indonesia will experience disasters. And if I do not come out from Indonesia, then I will be affected financially. "
Indonesia started making a fuss over Corona in March 2020 and I was financially affected because the city was locked down. I was very short of money, because it was so quiet and didn't know where to look for money. In March 2020, I said to my friend: "If from April to June 2020 there is very heavy rain or a long duration, rain from morning to night with short pauses and rain again. Then those affected by the Corona virus or COVID-19 reach more than 10,000 in Indonesia. "Do not forget to subscribe, like and comment.
Thank you for watching and if it is not acceptable, please give suggestion and criticism.🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸
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